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Directions to reach the SESAMI Munich Office
I. Directions by car: If you are arriving by car, there are traffic signs in the outskirts and throughout the city showing the way to “Messe/ICM” (the international conference and tradeshow center).
The SESAMI building is located exactly opposite of the main ICM entrance. The building is named Konrad (see the entrance above) after the German computer pioneer Konrad Zuse.
1. By car from Munich City center (ca. 20min without traffic)
From the city center, always follow the traffic signs towards Messe/ICM, and set your navigation system to the entrance of the SESAMI parking garage: Hanns-Schwindt-Straße 3:
Please ring the bell at SESAMI at the parking garage entrance. We have visitor parking spaces in the first underground of the parking garage.
After entering the parking garage, you will see the yellow parking zone on the right, and find the SESAMI parking spaces in the yellow area (numbers 321, 324, 331-333, and 400).
II. Directions by public transport:
From city center, take the U2 metro (U-Bahn) direction Messestadt Ost, but Messestadt West Station Please use the staircase in the opposite direction of travel. Our office is located at "Konrad-Zuse-Platz. 10", approx. 7 minutes walking distance.
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