planfocus to sponsor European Cash Cycle Seminar
13-16 May 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia: The ​Cash ​Cycle ​Seminar ​(ICCOS) ​is ​the ​premier ​global ​seminar ​for ​commercial ​cash ​management, ​distribution ​and ​circulation. ​It ​is ​a ​unique ​event ​focused ​on ​bringing ​together ​all ​the ​stakeholders ​in ​cash ​circulation ​to ​share ​perspectives, ​ideas, ​cost ​saving ​technologies, ​strategies, ​best ​practices ​and ​case ​studies. […]
planfocus to sponsor European Cash Cycle Seminar, 13-16 May 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia
Why should you attend? The ​Cash ​Cycle ​Seminar ​(ICCOS) ​is ​the ​premier ​global ​seminar ​for ​commercial ​cash ​management, ​distribution ​and ​circulation. ​It ​is ​a ​unique ​event ​focused ​on ​bringing ​together ​all ​the ​stakeholders ​in ​cash ​circulation ​to ​share ​perspectives, ​ideas, ​cost ​saving ​technologies, ​strategies, ​best ​practices ​and ​case ​studies. ​
Cash continues to drive self-checkout systems
The self-checkout market is anticipating big growth during the next five years as businesses focus on improving the shopping experience for customers. Whilst electronic payments are seen to be a big influence on the growth of these systems, cash-based systems continue to be a key factor influencing the self-checkout market […]
planfocus Software GmbH Continues its Growth Course Following 2018 Record Results
Munich-based planfocus Software GmbH, specializing on end-to-end software solutions for driving optimization and cost reduction in the cash cycle, has successfully completed a record year and continues its path of dynamic growth and extending its profitability. With record numbers in terms of revenues and profits, 2018 provided the best results […]
planfocus gibt die erfolgreiche Migration ihrer Kundenbasis auf die neueste Produktgeneration CCO® V6.2 bekannt
Die in München ansässige planfocus Software GmbH, die sich auf End-to-End-Softwarelösungen zur Optimierung und Kostensenkung im Bargeldkreislauf spezialisiert hat, meldet die erfolgreiche Migration ihrer Kundenbasis auf die neueste Generation der Cash Cycle Optimizer CCO® Solution Suite.